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Our Objectives

Provide resources and tools for parents to apply in their children’s daily lives


Create beneficial partnerships with community members to promote a stronger focus on youth well-being.


Support open discussions, mental habit development, and the growth of each child’s mindset


Mucy strives to help young people build awareness of their bodies, their mind-body connection, and the world around them.

Happy Children

Mucy Values

Mucy views open discussion on mental health and wellbeing as being a key pillar to our organization. 


We respect each individuals uniqueness, value diversity, and are committed to helping all youth.


We believe anyone has the capacity to accomplish their most ambitious goals and be a strong person every day.


Mucy believes the first step in building a strong society starts with building a stronger you.

Our Story

Mucy began in February 2020 as a passion project, with the goal of building tools for youth to develop stronger mental habits. Mucy is youth developed by individuals who understand that mental strengthening begins at a young age, and our team hopes to support children in this process through our app.

A team of visionaries.

Mucy endeavors to foster a community climate in which parents and teachers can help youth feel empowered in developing strong mental habits; preparing youth to handle the challenges and opportunities that life creates. 

Rock in Sand

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