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Meet Mucy.

Always there for you.

Mucy endeavors to foster a community climate in which parents and teachers can help youth feel empowered in developing strong mental habits, preparing youth to handle the challenges and opportunities that life creates.


Mucy & Me.

Mucy will be your teacher, guide, and friend on a journey to practice self-awareness, grounding, and confidence.


Prepare for the release of our first groundbreaking tapping tool, a proven method to increase mind-body awareness. Parents, this one is an amazing activity for you to do with your little ones; you can build their mental strength in a fun and attainable way.

Why Us

Mucy and the digital experience.

Mucy works to better your child's mental fortitude in a variety of ways. The Tapping Method is the hallmark feature that guides you and your child through a series of exercises that restore balance to the body's energy.


Mucy intelligently remembers any incomplete sessions, and prompts you to continue or restart to work towards a better mind.

How your child can start using Mucy.

1. Download the app

2. Set a reward

3. Start your session 

4. Have Fun!

How It Works

Mucy Mind

A Mucy Member; strong of mind, and ready to take on any challenge.


Positive Thinker


Kind Friend



Coming to an app store near you.


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